Mon 27 Jan
I wanna Rock your world!!!!! Sexy Stephanie here to please you!!! - 23
(Toledo, Toledo & all surrounding areas)
~~38 F's specials- mom is no longer working due to her getting bad reveiws~~ - 24
(Toledo, monroe mi- I-75)
>(¯`'.¸ SuGaR & SpiCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY Me OnCe} You'LL CoMe BaCk] TwiCe ¸.'´¯) SPECiAL'S - 24
(Toledo, ★ Toledo [in-out] 24-7 ★)
Mon 13 Jan
🌹BRYLEE❤If it's not ME ... it's FREE. 2 women available!!💋💋💋💋 - 26
(By the Hollywood Casino, Toledo)
(¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) ASIAN Hottie -- new to the area (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - 25
(toledo °°★°° 419-531-8665)
Sun 12 Jan
lets meet ur place or mine,,I only date men with money that spoil me and give me money,gfe - 21
Sat 11 Jan
M_A_d_E__ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_ U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E! - - 25
(Toledo, toledo,maumee,monroe mi & southern mi)
Happy Anniversary Arm Candy!! We also have new girls.Stop by and check our refurbished bulding.
Fri 10 Jan
SaY ByEbYe To HeAvEn! CaLl Me BeFoRe I'm GoNe! InCaLL ToDaY FrOm 4pm-10pm! - 33
(Toledo, Toledo,Monroe,Findlay,Perrysburg)
x.X.x Simply Stunning Platinum Blonde!! x.X.x I am the REAL DEAL! x.X.x $100 Special!! - 26
(Toledo, Toledo Incall Only)
Thu 09 Jan
► ► ———————————— ———————————— LeTS HaNg OuT ———————————— ———————————— ◄◄ - 35
(Toledo, INs can b arranged/OUTs NW Oh./SE Mich.)
💥40💥 💞Thick & Curvy💞 Cutie with a Booty 💞💎567-225-2483💎 💥40💥IN 🏡 OR 🚘 OUT call Allday available! - 28
(Toledo, Toledo in and out call)
~~38 F's specials- mom is no longer working due to her getting bad reveiws~~ - 24
(Toledo, monroe mi- I-75)
Wed 08 Jan
?sinfully sweet seductress ?
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
(SPECIALS!!) Renee, the sexy midget is waiting for you. Cross this off your bucket list!🍑💦🍆🔥😘💕 - 22
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
Real Woman like the taste of Candy stunning body and service - 24
(Toledo, I-75 in monroe ten mins, n, of Toledo)
Sexy Las Vegas Mature Women ... Soft Music, Candles, Drinks & Deep Kissing!! Bree Anna Michele - 44
(Columbus, Very Nice Clean InCall)
Real Woman like the taste of Candy stunning body and service - 24
(Toledo, I-75 in monroe ten mins, n, of Toledo)
HURRY * Before* Its*TOO* Late!!! Moving to Utah on October 14th Toledo Findlay Monroe Welcomed - 25
Tue 07 Jan
Sexy💋 LIL RedHead 💋Available Now💋Alana 37 (419)250-8623
(Dayton, Lima/Findlay, Toledo, Toledo-Monroe and surrounding In-Out)
Ebony NeVeR to FaR 4 U!!! EbOnY GoDdEsS WaItIn on U!!! $picY $pecials Ready Set Go - 25
(Toledo, Toledo BG MonRoe Perrysburg)
Mon 06 Jan
2girl $pecial★★Ur EVERY wi$h can come true ★★ $weet, Gentle, BUT WILD - 20
(Toledo, TOLEDO monroe & detroit)
Sun 05 Jan