Mon 27 Jan
🌹🌸TruLY BeaUTifUL PLaymatE🌸🌹 Are You ReaDY 2 Hit the JaCkPot 🎉🎉🎉 - 26
(Toledo, TOLEDO & Surrounding)
♥ ALL WEEKEND ExOtic EyeS ♥ JuiCy LiPs ♥ •LiLy• ♥ SPECIALS ALL DAY - 26
Mon 13 Jan
Cherish★ _Fr€@k • —( TH!©K &JU;!©¥ )—•—( PLAYMAT€ ----CHERISH - 23
(Toledo, 475.Airport..hwy.CALL ME BABY)
** Everything you've ever wanted ** ask about my SPECIALS all day!! - 25
(Toledo, Easy access to 23/475 & 80/90)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
Seductively Intoxicating with Passion to Relieve Your Tension :)
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
$$$$$Brunette hottie ready 2 rock your body an ready to make you feel like a new man$$$$$ - 21
(Toledo, Toledo, toledo, maumee area)
*Sweet lucious petite Crysta is here to revive your passion!* IN & OUT CALLS available. - 23
(Toledo, toledo, and surrounding areas)
Some offer a job... I offer a way of Life. Seeking open minded 1-2 ladies. - 100
(Toledo, Nationwide)
WHATEVER iT REQUiRES (( 60Specials )) - i'LL DELiVER YOUR DESiRES!r - 23
(Toledo, toledo/Alexis area INCALLS 5673438790)
~*~*I'm HeRe AnD tHeRe..CaTcH mE wHiLe I aM sTiLl In ToWn FoR tHe We~*~* - 27
(Toledo, Toledo (Incall Only))
Happy New Year!! Come down and see all the new faces @ Arm Candy. And start the year off right! - 21
Fri 10 Jan
🔥🔥looking to turn up the heat? well look no further🔥🔥
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, everywhere, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesvi)
*Swimwear Model* Stunning Blonde Blue w/ Bangin' Body EXTENDED Stay In Area+Ready4U! (28) - 28
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding (419) 690-6190)
o.O ❤ O.o Professional ASIAN Bodywork Come TO us o.O ❤ O. - 23
(toledo °°★°° 419-531-8665)
🎁🎉Party girl👠👣Fetish Friendly🌺In Town With A Desire To Satisfy You To The Fullest 💋 ★Luscious - 24
(Cincinnati, Outcalls)
GOOD GOD! you've never seen anything quite like Heaven i do in & outcalls. - 23
(Toledo, toledo, and surrounding areas)
Thu 09 Jan
௵★ SPECIALS!! 155525 Review ID! With Me, You Will Get Maturity, Experience and The BEST! - 47
(Maumee/I-475 & Airport HWY)
🍭🍭🍭 SWEET ✅ ✅ 👠👠👠 SeXY ✅ 419 266 5623 🍓 SucCuLent 🍒🍒�4� ✅ ✅ ✅🍒SpEcIALs 💟💟🍒🍒🍒🍒 - 26 - 27
(Off Lewis ave and outcalls, Toledo)
** SeXxY eyes ** SwEEt smile ** & AmAZiNG SPECIALS 2 TempT u with ;) ** - 25
(Toledo, Easy access to 23/475 & 80/90)
Outcall/Incall-treat yourself😘 419-277-6495 Safe, quiet, discreet!!💋💞💞 - 28
(Toledo, Toledo and Suburbs)
hello gentlemen lets get the party started!
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
visiting gia-jordan hot little curvy busty arabic 4'11 36c-26-36 & a couple of hot black girls - 26
(Toledo, toledo ohio i-75 area in/outcall)
HeY FeLlAs Im hErE tO OfFeR YoU A WoNdErFUl eXpErIeNcE dOnT MiSs oUt - 27
(Toledo, ToLeDo aNd sUrRoUnDiNg aReAs)
Incall/Outcall Specials So Call Me Now 4Sum Unforgettable Fun♥Mackenzie♥HIGHLY REVIEWED★ - 24
Wed 08 Jan
SiMPLy AMAZiNG!* 60★ )) *Mariah★ 419389-2128 - ME!*__ (( ★ SexY - $weet, Exotic MARIAH - 24
(Toledo, maumee airport hwy all over hit me up)
♥ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You ) ) S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D ♥ BigGest ChEsT in the MiDWesT ♥ - - 25
⋙ {*EXOT!C*} __ {*BRUNETTE*} __ {*BEAUTY*} ___ {*V!S!T!NG*} ⋘ - 24
(Toledo, =_☆_= TOLEDO =_☆_= in-out)
HURRY * Before* Its*TOO* Late!!! Moving to Utah on October 14th Toledo Findlay Monroe Welcomed - 25
mixx cutie juicy n thick cutie with Amazing Skills n always a Real pLeaser 60specials - 24
(Toledo, toledo incall)
Tue 07 Jan
~*~ Sweet Sexy Dream Girl!! ~*~ Limited Availability ~*~ LOOKING FOR SOME FUN!!!! ~*~ Jan 31 - Feb 2 - 25
(Upscale Incall)